California college student: Terror is the New Communism
Dennis Prager illustrates one of the major problems the West has in understanding the reality of the Islamic Jihad. His brief conversation with a young college student shows just how miss-educated and so uninformed many of our young people are.
Education of the American Man in The Street must be a priority for the Counter Jihad if we are ever to unite to fight the Islamic invasion. We cannot allow ourselves to be neutered by speech codes or political correctness.
The really discouraging thing about this encounter is the almost unbelievable degree of dumbed down stupidity expressed by this students world view, that she could not think for herself and see through the leftist agenda to destroy America. That is the result of 30 years of leftist influence in academia.
California college student: Terror is the New Communism
By Dennis Prager
As they say on the TV show "24," the following took place last week between 9 and 10 p.m. on a flight from Los Angeles to Denver.
I spoke for a few minutes to the 20-year-old woman seated across the aisle from me.
She: What brings you to Denver?"
Me: I am giving a speech.
She: What do you do?
Me: I'm a radio talk show host.
She: Who did you vote for?
Me: McCain
She: Why?
Me: Smaller government and the war on terror.
She: Terror is the new communism.
Me: Communism killed about a hundred million people. And who do you think attacked and killed 3,000 of us on Sept. 11?
She: The government.
For the record, as I believe this to be essential to understanding this young woman's views, she is a student attending the University of California Santa Barbara.
Truth is she had to be a student at a major university. She would never have come up with "Terror is the new Communism" on her own. It is a moral obscenity that one has to learn.
Of course, there is an irony to this statement. Meant in the opposite way she meant it, I could largely assent to the proposition that terror is the new communism. Communism was an enslaving and murderous threat in its time and the Jihadism is such a threat in our lifetime.
But that is not how this young woman meant the statement. As she has learned history and the contemporary world, communism was a bogeyman in its time and terror is a bogeyman in our time.
When I told her that communism had killed 100 million people, I could not tell if she even processed the words. It was as if had I uttered a series of nonsense syllables. She either didn't believe me or didn't care.