Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rabid, radical Islam is spreading throughout the Muslim world at an alarming rate. First Malaysia and now Indonesian religious leaders continue to impose more and more draconian fatwa's on those trapped in Islam.

And this is the core of the situation: "And for Muslims, it is not possible to vote for candidates who are not faithful to Islam or members of Islamic parties."

In other words, Muslims MUST ALWAYS side with the Umma over any other consideration. Which is why it is imperative that Muslims not be allowed to hold political office, or sensitive government positions because in the end 99.99% will turn on their host society when the Jihad hits the street.


Indonesian Muslims against yoga, smoking, abstention from voting
A fatwa against those who practice yoga, because this "weakens faith in Islam." In the crosshairs of the ulemas are also cigarettes - although there is not unanimous agreement on this - and those who abstain from voting. And candidates faithful to Islam should be elected.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - Practicing yoga, smoking in public places, and abstaining from voting are "activities contrary to the precepts of Islam." This is the announcement today from the Indonesian ulemas council, during a plenary assembly in Padang Panjang, a city in the province of West Sumatra, attended by 700 religious figures and experts on Islamic law in the country.

As has already been done in Malaysia, the Indonesian ulemas are also prohibiting the practice of yoga for Muslims, because it contains elements characteristic of the Hindu tradition. The Islamic religious authorities reject the "recitation of mantras," and stress that continuing the practice means "committing a sin" and "weakening faith in Islam." The decision has already raised criticisms among Indonesian Muslims: yoga is one of the favorite activities among citizens and businessmen to get rid of stress and recover mental and physical balance.