Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Saudi Woman

Reading this article is a lesson in just how far apart Eastern society and Western society are. While much of what goes on in Saudi Arabia is just "the way it is" to Saudis', it's almost incomprehensible from a Western perspective. The lack of human rights in general is appalling and the treatment of women as sub-human is a built in artifact of Islam.


A Day in the Life of a Saudi Woman
By M.A. Khan
FrontPageMagazine.com | 3/10/2009

In 2006, Australian Mufti Taj al-Din al-Hilali raised a furor by calling unveiled women “uncovered meat” to suggest that eighteen such women, raped by Muslim youths in a Sydney neighborhood in 2000, actually invited the horrendous act upon themselves. Most Australians and Westerners have viewed it as utterance of a deranged ignorant cleric, not representing the Islamic creed and community. However, an investigation of the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia—the heartland and birth-place of Islam—reveals a strong Islamic rationale behind the Mufti’s assertion.

Saudi Arabia, the sacred land of Islamic devotion, is the best place for evaluating the status of women in Islam, where Islamic holy laws—the Sharia, which should ideally guide Islamic societies for eternity—are implemented most rigorously amongst Islamic countries. The Saudi Basic Law says:

* General Principle, Article 1: “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state; its religion is Islam; and its constitution is the Holy Quran and Prophet’s Sunnah (traditions)”

* System of Government, Article 7: “Government derives its power from the Holy Quran and the Prophet's Sunnah”

* Rights and Duties, Article 23: “The state protects the Islamic and caters to the application of Shari'ah; it enjoins good and forbid evil and undertakes the duty of call to Islam.”

Welcome to the Islamic heartland of Saudi Arabia: it’s a man’s world. Free Western women are truly “uncovered meat” here. Here, women almost invariably invite rapes; it’s rarely a fault of men, the rapists.

The Quran, which contains the unchanged words of the Islamic God (Allah) to guide the Muslim life and society for eternity, commands the “wives and daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed” [Q 33:59].

This is the last verse revealed by Allah to finalize the dress-code for Muslim women when they go out. It made veiling an obligatory eternal law of Allah. Women must be responsible and veil themselves not to attract molestation by men.