Why is Islam so Cruel and Barbaric?
(A man about to be beheaded publicly in Saudi Arabia, in perfect accordance with Islamic law as recorded in the Hadith. Picture courtesy Amnesty.)
Here is a look at the verses of the Kuran and Hadiths that are the models for Islam's barbaric amputation of hands and feet as punishment for theft. Remember that these punishments are the immutable word of Allah, through Mohammed, and therefore immutable and unchangeable, even to today.FROM DHARMAVEER:
Why is Islam so Cruel and Barbaric?
The Kuran is full of hatred towards unbelievers. The Hadith is even worse. It goes into the gory details of the kinds of "punishments" Muhammed meted out to people for even petty offenses. Judge for yourself. I will reproduce some of the Hadith where Muhammad shows his kindness. All of them are from Sunan Abu-Dawud (the Hadith that provides most of the Shari'a law on various punishments).
In this Hadith, Muhammad shows once again just how much he hates polytheists. It is Hadith such as this one that directly caused many Hindus to be tortured to death in the most cruel manner imaginable during the dark centuries of Islamic rule. Note that for polytheists, repenting does not save them from such a harsh fate.
Book 38, Number 4359:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:
The verse "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite side or exile from the land...most merciful" was revealed about polytheists. If any of them repents before they are arrested, it does not prevent from inflicting on him the prescribed punishment which he deserves.