Thursday, June 4, 2009

The War Comes to Little Rock

This is one more home grown Jihadi attack in a growing number of Muslim terrorist attacks in America. One has to wonder if this is also another case of a Jihadi recruited in prison. Time will tell. At last the media and FBI are not rushing to say there is no link to Islamic terrorism.


The War Comes to Little Rock
By Paul Greenberg

Monday night was different out in the newsroom. The chatter and clatter were still there as story after story was filed, but the usual hubbub was muffled, as if an invisible cover had been stretched over the nightly routine. This night was different from all other nights because it wasn't just the war that had come home to Little Rock — it hits home with every Arkansan killed or wounded — but the battlefield itself.

There was Amy Schlesing, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's correspondent with the state's 39th Infantry Brigade. She was still on the job after five tours of duty in Iraq. And she was still working a story about American casualties. Only this time the enemy had struck at a recruiting center in a Little Rock shopping center. One GI had been killed and another wounded as they took a smoke break on what a moment before had seemed just another peaceful weekday morning in June.

The war had hit home, and so what this war is all about: defending the kind of country and society that had produced these two soldiers. Both of them had volunteered for a stint at a recruiting center back home before shipping out — one to Fort Lewis in Washington State, the other to Schofield Barracks in Hawaii.

Witnesses said the shots had come from a black Ford truck — at least 10 rounds from a 7.62mm rifle. We might have been in Baghdad. Or Jerusalem. Or London. Or Madrid. Or Mumbai. The enemy is the same, and the blood spilled just as red. Only this time it had happened in Little Rock, Ark., USA.