Friday, February 8, 2013

Bangladeshi Admits Trying to Blow Up Federal Bank

Well, here's another Muslim who came to America under a student visa with the sole intent of committing mass murder in the name of Islam.  This one is from Bangladesh, but others have come from Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Kenya.  Each and every one has boasted that their goal is to impose Islam on the West. 


Bangladeshi Admits Trying to Blow Up Federal Bank

Published: February 7, 2013

A Bangladeshi man who tried to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York remotely only to find that the bomb was fake and his plot had been under the constant surveillance of federal agents pleaded guilty on Thursday to terrorism charges.

The plea of the man, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, brought a quick resolution to a case that used one of the government’s most popular strategies for identifying and pursuing terrorism suspects: Undercover agents and a confidential source who learned that Mr. Nafis wanted to conduct an attack gave him the materials for a fake bomb and other support, leading him all the way to the moment of detonation before arresting him in October.

Article continues HERE.