Sudan's Deputy Chief Justice Says Judges May Be Trained On Carrying Out Amputations
Never let it be said that the Religion of Peace can't adapt and change. If Sudanese Imam's can't find Doctors to carry out their barbaric sentence of cutting off hands and feet in a hospital, then they'll just train judges to do it. Just how humane and tolerant is that? No other religion uses hospitals or judges to cut off hands and feet.
Damn savages.
Sudan's Deputy Chief Justice Says Judges May Be Trained On Carrying Out Amputations
11 March 2013
Khartoum — Sudanese judges may receive special training on performing amputation on convicts should doctors refuse to carry them out, the country's deputy chief judge said today.
Last month doctors at al-Ribat hospital in Khartoum executed a court order against the 30-year old Adam al-Muthna who had his right hand and left foot severed as punishment after he was found guilty of armed robbery on a truck carrying passengers between North Kordofan and East Darfur in March 2006 and stealing SDG 1,000 (US$228) from its passengers.
After several years of appeal which reached the constitutional court, the ruling against al-Muthna was upheld.
The sentence drew strong rebuke and condemnation from several human right groups inside Sudan and abroad as well as the governments of Canada and France.
But the Sudanese Deputy Chief Justice, Abdul Rahman Sharfi speaking at a press briefing on Monday defended the sentence emphasizing that it is part of Islamic Shar'ia law.
Sharfi disclosed that more than 16 cases involving similar punishments had been carried out since 2001 and underscored that they have no shame in the implementation Shar'ia law.
"We cherish the book of Allah [Quran] and not the Hippocratic Oath [required by doctors]," the deputy chief justice said.
Sharfi warned that any doctors who refuse to carry out court-ordered amputations which he described as "the rule of Allah" will be prosecuted and that judges could be trained on the process if needed.
"If doctors refuse to carry out Hudud [Islamic] penalties then we are prepared to train and qualify some judges on the medical process of how to do the amputations" Sharfi said.
Article contin ues HERE.