Friday, January 9, 2015

White House Defends Islamic Terrorists

File this under Ememy Within, or Abu Obama defends the indefensable again.

So the more the west is attacked by fanatical Muslims, the more the White House is going to "explain" the true tenets of Islam.  Of course, every major Islamic authority are in agreement that the attacks are justified and necessary to impose Islam on all of humanity.  But of course, the White House is a world renound authority and knows Islam better than they do.


White House spokesman: US needs to “redouble” efforts to explain the true “tenets” of Islam

January 8, 2015 4:21 pm By Robert Spencer

I think this is a great idea. The White House should indeed redouble its efforts to explain what the Qur’an and Sunnah actually say. If it did this honestly, this would lead to a massive change in its foreign and domestic policies. What’s the downside?

Of course, the problem with this is that the White House is enveloped in a fog of willful ignorance about Islam’s texts and teachings, and Earnest here is only saying that they’re going to redouble their efforts to thicken that fog.

“WH: America Needs to ‘Redouble’ Effort to Explain True ‘Tenets’ of Islam,” by Daniel Halper, The Weekly Standard, January 7, 2015:

    White House press secretary Josh Earnest explained to reporters today that the United States needs to “redouble” efforts to explain “what the tenets of Islam actually are.” He made the comments in response to a question about how the U.S. might respond to the terror attack today in France….

Article continues HERE.