Saturday, February 21, 2015

500 Jihadist Sympathizers Attend Funeral of Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein

File this under Enemies Within.  I think this gives some indication of just how many jihadist sympathizers there are in Denmark.


Feb. 20, 2015 | 06:52 PM

Hundreds reportedly attend burial for Danish gunman

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: Scores of mostly men have attended the burial of the 22-year-old Danish Muslim who shot two people dead and wounded five others at a free speech event and a synagogue in Copenhagen last weekend.

Police called it "a private ceremony" and declined to comment on media reports that up to 500 people attended Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein's funeral Friday in suburban Broendby. Denmark's TV2 channel said many didn't know him but came out of respect for his family.

The head of the Danish Islamic Funeral Foundation, Kasem Said Ahmad, said the hearse left a Copenhagen mosque after a brief ceremony and drove to the burial ground 10 kilometers away.

Ahmad said the body of El-Hussein, who was killed Sunday, was released by police earlier in the day.