Saturday, February 21, 2015

Australian Jihadists Use Social Benefits

No surprises here.  Muslims are generally the least integrated and most dependent on social benefits of any demographic group.  Since 95% of those who have gone to the Middle East to wage jihad were on benefits of some sort, one must ask how many Muslims in the general population are on benefits.  It makes no sense from an economic standpoint to import immigrants who are a net drain on the host country.  It makes less sense to import violent, rabid Islamists and give them aid and comfort while they plot to impose sharia on the world.

Aussie jihadists were on the dole

SIMON BENSONnational political editor
Herald Sun
February 21, 2015 12:00AM

ALMOST all of the wannabe terrorists who have snuck out of Australia to join jihadist armies in Iraq and Syria were on the dole or some form of welfare payment, The Saturday Telegraph can reveal.

A federal investigation into the welfare status of Australian foreign fighters, prompted last year by revelations in The Telegraph, shows 96 per cent had been on welfare benefits when they fled to the Middle East.

Most had continued to collect payments from Australian taxpayers while training with Islamic State to become terrorists intent on wanting to kill Australians.

The investigation has captured the records of 57 Australians who left the country before October last year to fight with the Islamic State.

Of that number 55 have been confirmed to have been on welfare payments.

Since then, an estimated 50 more Australians have ­illegally travelled to the Middle East to join IS, with most believed to have been claiming some form of benefit.

A subsequent audit of this group confirmed that most had been at one time in ­receipt of benefits such as Newstart, sickness, youth and carer’s allowances, as well as the Disability Support Pension.

Writing exclusively in The Telegraph today, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he was “appalled” that the majority of those Australians joining terror groups had benefited from the welfare system.

Article continues HERE.