Islam And Christianity Are Not Comparable
A quite good assessment of the differences between Christianity and Islam.
Islam and Christianity not comparable: Column
Larry Taunton 7:28 p.m. EDT March 18, 2015
Lampooning Christianity brings money and renown, criticizing Islam gets you 1000 lashes.
"Christians Have Waged Their Own Holy Wars" was yet another annoying headline, this one in the Miami Herald. It seems that every time someone is beheaded, shot (by children, no less), or burned alive by ISIL, there is this inevitable handwringing over the violent history of —
Confused? So am I. Precisely what the Crusades or the Inquisition have to do with events in the Middle East is not clear. One suspects that attacking Christianity fits neatly into a domestic agenda. Yes, Christianity is not only Islam's chief global rival, it is a barrier to the American Cultural Left's social vision (think abortion and gay marriage). Whatever the motivation, this ignores a serious (and growing) foreign threat.
For their part, Christians, in spite of their supposedly violent natures, have accepted all of this rather passively. Indeed, to be a Christian apologist these days seems to involve a lot of apologizing for being a Christian at all. This alone should be sufficient evidence of Christianity's peaceful nature. I mean, I don't hear many Muslims apologizing for the Muslim invasion of Europe (which preceded the Crusades by almost 400 years), for the recent scandal of some 1,400 children systematically raped by Muslim men in Rotherham, England, or for the oppression of women and religious minorities in Islamic states.
Charlie Hebdo is illustrative of my point.
Article continues HERE.